Nailing the Bunny
A private side project, 2020
Grab some whiteboard, hammer some nails into it, and connect the nails to form the visualization of a
3D mesh. This is about as minimal as things can get. My goal was to physically recreate this 2D
mesh representation of the familiar 3D bunny.
I present here the short story of how this project turned out.
Launch Houdini and remesh the bunny to a low polygon mesh to stay sane during this project. Then delete all faces/points/edges that are not facing the camera. Then project it onto the plane and copy some nails into the mesh points. The virtual creation of this project was really straightforward and simple.
Virtual Setup
Once all the nails were hammered in, I could connect each of them using lines. Originally, I was set to use a thin black string for this. I quickly noticed that that would take way too much time. So instead, I drew the lines with a black fine liner.
Finding the Right Mesh
I also attempted to remesh according to different criteria. After all, the density of triangles influences our perception of depth. In the end, the natural 3D remeshing of similar triangle sizes (in 3D) gave the best results.
Mapping and Building
Next comes the dreaded physical part. In order to get the mapping well on a board I had, I simply used a projector.
Then we connect each line. Interestingly, following the exact line instructions was very important. I
once connected the wrong lines, and then it became really confusing to the viewer as to what was
happening to the geometry in that area.
Originally, I had intended to use a black string and wrap it around the nails. This turned out to be too
difficult, and thus I stuck to drawing each line.
Final Result
Why not?