Publications 📜
Exact 3D Green's Function Integrations on Triangles
Python Implementation
Exact analytic integral computations.
Going with the Flow
ACM Transactions on Graphics
Fast and accurate motion in fluids without simulating the fluid.
The Solar Corona: Modeled, Discretized, Visualized
Doctoral Dissertation, TU Berlin
Detailed solar magnetic field theory and image generation.
Motion from Shape Change
ACM Transactions on Graphics
Estimated motion in viscous medium without running a fluid simulation.
4D Atlas: Statistical Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Variability in Longitudinal 3D Shape Data
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Temporal shape matching.
Filament Based Plasma
ACM Transactions on Graphics
Plasma loop modeling.
On Bubble Rings and Ink Chandeliers
ACM Transactions on Graphics
Vortex filament dynamics.
Point Vortex Dynamics On Closed Surfaces
M.S. Thesis, TU Berlin
Surface fluid dynamics theory.
The Nearest Hermitian Inverse Eigenvalue Problem Solution with Respect to the 2-Norm
DAAD RISE Worldwide Internship Results
Matrix geometry analysis for eigenvalue restoration.
The Zeros of Random Sections on Line Bundles
B.S. Thesis, TU Berlin
Root analysis of smoothed random fields.
A.C.T.I.V.E. Superellipsoid-based CFD Visualization
EuroVR, European Association of Virtual and Augmented Reality
Tensor field visualization in virtual reality.
Komplexe Funktionen Darstellen
Junge Wissenschaft issue Nr. 94
Visualizing through matching parallel planes.
Teaching 📖
The Art of Presenting
Math+, Berlin Mathematical School Seminars
Literature review on scientific presentations.
Geometry Processing and Applications
University Course, TU Berlin
Mathematical visualization and discrete differential geometry.
Houdini Tutorials Tailored for Mathematicians
Open Course Material, TU Berlin
Using Houdini for research.
Exploration 🔮
The Super Serious & Legit Academic Tarot Deck
An improvisational card game
78 academic-inspired tarot cards.
Rotating Snakes Study
Playing around with optical illusions
Python scripting fun.
Mathematicians Reimagined
Playing around with AI
Restoring images with a modern touch.
RGB Meltdown Experiment
Experimenting with light effects
Creating the illusion of motion through color switching.
Hyperbolic Tiling {3,7}
Toying with hyperbolic geometry
Animating a triangular tiling.
Nailing the Bunny
Hammering a minimal 3D Representation
Hammer + nails on board. Good.
Sphere Eversion with Transparency Video
Rendering some geometry
Turning the sphere inside out without pinching it anywhere.